At the Leviathan book launch, Robert McCammon told me that, now that the series was complete, he would love to see other people write Matthew Corbett fan fiction.

Author Pete Mesling has done just that, and we’re proud to present “Troubling the Past,” his story set in Matthew Corbett’s world!

Pete also narrates the story in a YouTube video on his channel. From Pete:

“Troubling the Past” is my foray into fan fiction. Set in the world of Robert McCammon’s Matthew Corbett books, my story occurs before the events of The King of Shadows and aims to do a little after-the-fact foreshadowing of that novel. I wouldn’t say it contains any spoilers per se, but you may find “Troubling the Past” more enjoyable if you’ve read McCammon’s novel first (all of the Corbett novels, actually).

You have several options available:

We’d love to see more! From Robert McCammon: “The fun and interesting thing here is that you can do straight mystery stories, character studies, or delve into the supernatural as much as you please.” Submissions can be sent to the webmaster.


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